Diabetes And

Diabetes is one of the four major non commmunicable diseases causing high morbidity and mortality in Ethiopia.The national steps survey conducted in 2015 depicted prevalence of DM or high blood sugar in the adult population to be 3.2%. According to IDF report on Ethiopia 2017 :estamated prevalce Of DM is 2.56 million, 76 % (1.96 million ) are unaware of having DM Thus The burden of Diabetes is increasing. We are here ready to offer you standardized and comprehensive Diabetic care. We also provide care for Dyslipidemia, obesity, and all endocrine disrders.

  • Decreasing diabetes related emergency department visits, hospitalizations and severe long-term complications
  • Decreasing A1C levels.
  • Creating an exercise or healthy eating plan that is not complicated
  • Enhanced quality of life
  • And many more!

conditions Treated

  • Type 1 and 2 Diabetes
  • pre-Diabetes
  • Gestational Diabetes
  • Endocrinology Conditions deliver exceptional care for hormone disorders (hormones,thyroid,Adrenal Problems,Cancer..etc,) 


Bole, Dedecha Arara Kebele, 300ms from Derartu building Adama,Ethiopia.

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